unable to connect to server

I have 2 pcs running avast free virus checker - both used to update automatically but now say Error Cannot connect to server. My firewall which has always allowed avast to connect shows that avast has full access rights. Is your update server down or is it time to use a different virus checker? This has only occurred since the update and the avast symbol changed from blue to orange.

It is always better to install Avast 5 as a fresh install not over Avast 4

People doing an install over 4 has always complained of a problem :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks for that but one of the pcs has just been setup having had a hard disk failure and it never had avast 4 on it

Always is an absolute–if u check my post u will see I had no problem with my install of Avast 5 Pro over 4.8 Pro—the avast 5 pro trial install deleted 4.8 just like it was supposed to do—Now what was strange was when I first reinstalled 4.8 pro and setup only gave the option of uninstalling 4.8 pro and then upon doing so, having to again download 4.8 Pro trial with successful install once the old 4.8 was deleted… When I later downloaded Avast 5 Pro I thought the same would occur but nope—it worked just fine without first deleting 4.8

Always as an absolute is my opinion. And this emotion :stuck_out_tongue: makes the point on its’ absolute meaning. This emotions just moderates the word Always.

as an option is it possible to uninstall 5 and install 4?

OP–the last time I had a message like that–it had nothing to do with the app but with my modem–I wasn’t getting an internet connection and so, of course, couldn’t connect with the server but that sounds too obvious

I would think u could still use the free 4. version but I know u can’t reinstall paid 4.8 pro version–one has to use Avast 5 Pro now–Can’t hurt to use the uninstaller or simply download the free version and see if it uninstalls automatically–after all it isn’t working at all currently

jrehner - I cannot fault the modem - it is the only one I have and is communicating with everything else perfectly - I am using my setup at this time not from anywhere else.

If the free Avast 4.-- version is not available u could still download the 4.8 Pro or 5 Trial versions and see if either of them works–can’t hurt the to try.

I was reading your info above again and I got the impression that the free version automatically updated from the 4.8 version to 5 based on your characterization of the icons in the tray? But on the paid version I did not have the red icon until I downloaded Avast Pro 5–if u actually downloaded the free version of Avast 5 then maybe it’s just your settings or firewall issues (but u said they were ok)… Does your subscription info under About Avast still indicate it’s active etc

well I still cannot get updates and assume this to be a fault with avast 5. I have tried to download version 4.8 but it always turns into 5 although it appears to be 4.8 to start with. Unless someone points me to how to fix this I am afraid I will be uninstalling avast and looking elsewhere.

well thanks to the good folk at pcadvisor.co.uk I have been able to download and install avast 4.8. This keeps wanting to update to avast 5. When running the checker it found a couple of infections which it seems to have dealt with. So far I am certainly unimpressed with avast 5 which is a great pity as I found avast 4 to be very good.

I would now like to close this post but cannot find a way to do so.

Only Moderators could close a thread. I hope all your problems are solved.

u can only edit the topic to somewhat like [SOLVED]…

still have not got anywhere and have downloaded the latest to one pc but still the same error unable to contact server. This is the same even without a firewall running. I am running ms security essentials on my main pc now but miss the old notification that the virus prog has been updated as with avast 4.8.

Same here. This computer can connect to Avast.com. My other computer cannot. Going to try and remove 5.0 with the removal program supplied by Avast! Then I will try to reconnect. And/or, since I saved the 5.0 installation program on a Smart Disk, I will try to reinstall.

Been hoping that the technicians here can help with this problem.

Firewall and hosts file are, generally, the actors of this play… avast should be able to update by itself, something is blocking it.

I had the same problem recently. I was able to get my pc to connect after going into setting/updates/proxy setting and selecting direct connect no proxy. Of course if you use a proxy this may not work for you.

Well responding to a topic which started almost a year ago on a different avast version isn’t advisable.

There would be many other more recent topics which offer the same advice if the current version 5.1.889.