My parents PC is having an issue. I created a deep scan for them to run on a weekly basis and its picked up 12 threats. They can’t do anything with the virus, they can select any of the options such as repair, move to chest, delete however when they go to click the “Apply” button nothing happens, and the button acts as if it is greyed out and not functioning.
Any thoughts or insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
They don’t have to run the scan again, just go to the avastUI, Maintenance, Scan Logs and select the last scan log, it will show the entries previously listed. See image example of screen, once they highlight the scan log, click the View results.
Seems like a detection of virus signatures related to other installed security software, the solution would be to uninstall the other software and replace with Malwarebytes if they need a second opinion scanner.
it seems somone have selected “scan memory” in the scan settings
DO not use that setting unless you know what you do detection in memory is the second most asked question in the forum, so lots of info if you forum search
what you have detected is virus signatures from another security program loaded in memory, and not infections
these are not files that can be deleted/moved… so button does not work
I was not suggesting that he start a thread in the virus and worms forum but that he familiarize himself with the procedures
running an MBAM scan is a great suggestion
doing it in the order found in the sticky is even better
of course if he finds anything then he can post THERE