Unable to install Avast free

Installer keeps telling me it’s detecting Sophos, which I had already removed with the Sophos uninstaller tool. Also removed all folders and whatever references I could find. Not sure what to do next. Any ideas?

(Accidentally posted this in another forum, but can’t see where to delete it.)

we are trying to prevent a incompatibility with other Av’s kexts. Would you mind to run “kextstat | grep sophos” in terminal?


This is what I get:

151 0 0xffffff7f80a57000 0x7000 0x7000 com.sophos.nke.swi (9.6.51) B9C6AF49-49A7-3666-97EE-FFA2E2E387FD <4 1>
256 0 0xffffff7f83304000 0x8000 0x8000 com.sophos.kext.oas (9.6.53) E7883FE6-B498-37ED-BDBB-9BC0EC59DCDE <5 4 1>

Bingo! The sophos kexts are still in place. Have you tried to turn it(Mac) off and on again? Please, restart. It may solve the issue.
After restart try the “kextstat | grep sophos” again. If there are similar results as in your previous post then try to unload sophos kext manually with

  • sudo kextunload -b com.sophos.nke.swi
  • sudo kextunload -b com.sophos.kext.oas

This worked – thanks so much!

I’m just curious - what worked? Restart or did you have to use kextunload? If the second option then the Sophos guys may appreciate a bug report about their uninstaller :wink: