Unable to install rooted AAT?

I am back to see if I can get AAT to work reliably.
My reading of manual is that if I have Gingerbread 2.3.6 I need to install rooted otherwise tracking will not work - is this correct?
I have tried installing AAT Rooted on My Samsung GTS 5830i but when I get to Install method - Direct Write Method choice or the alternative and select install I get error message not enough space 3Mb free need 7MB. My system shows I have 25.77 internal memory avail - much more than &MB needed for AAT

Any advice as to how I might proceed?


Any feedback ??

Hi update

Have tried installing AAT rooted but still insufficient memory reported yet masses of memory seemingly available - whats my problem??

Start with updating the OS on the phone.

Hi Thanks for the response but I understood I had the latest available OS for my phone - updated recently.
I have a Samsung GTs5830i ?

Please advise if you feel there is a later version available.


On your phones dial pad dial [size=12pt]*#9900#
This should bring up the SysDump options.
Select ‘Delete dumpstate/logcat’. (2nd option listed) Be carefull not to select any others by mistake.
It will ask “are you sure”, select yes.

Now install AAT :wink:

Thanks for the option. Tried it but now seem to have lost usb access so cannot root phone now. any ideas?

Sorry for delay in response have been away.


Have regained USB connection but failed to load AAT will give one last try6 in a day or so then try alternative

Deleting the logs shouldn’t have messed up your USB. I’d suspect a dodgy USB cable and/or socket.

Have you tried Avast GrimeFighter? Safely cleans out old cache.

Also I’d recommend rooting your phone and then install AAT (rooted). With a rooted device you can free up loads of phone storage by transferring Google play services etc from phone storage to SD storage. I believed AAT MUST install to the device memory so it will survive simply the SD card being removed.

The reason I suggested deleting the logs is because Samsung phones seem to report free storage space despite it actually being taken up by logs. They can’t be deleted to make space for installing apps. Now, with them not registering in used storage space, I assume the original idea was that they could be deleted to make room if necessary, hence then not showing as using any storage.
I was having trouble installing a 20MB app from the play store despite the Samsung file browser and ES File explorer showing more than a GB of free space…“not enough storage space”, it said. I first assumed it was a Playstore problem and did all the ‘clear data’ in every app that said ‘Google’ in my apps list. This would inevitably green up enough space for me to install a small to medium sized app and I assumed the problem disappeared with what I thought was corrupt ‘cache’.
It wasn’t until I did the method I explain above did my problem go away permanently.

Thanks for your constructive suggestions. Have tried rooting phone using Kingo root but it has failed (did work prev) can you suggest a reliable alternative? Will then have one last try (Iam currently using Prey OK - though its very basic)

Have tried rooting phone using Kingo root but it has failed (did work prev)

Are we talking about the same phone? If so how come it not ’ rooted’ anymore?

When it comes to rooting phones xda forum is everybody’s best friend…
For you specifically… http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1552792

Hi Spencer

I unrooted as I was nervous nothing was working with AAT so got phone back to “normal”
I am not a techie so can only do things like " painting by numbers" ie idiots guide.

Thanks for your continued support.