New fresh install of Win 7 home premium. Just going through the tediousness of re-installing everything.
Had Avast free version on this PC before needing to reformat and re-install Windows and everything. (NOT Virus related)
Tried downloading it both off avast’s web site and cnet. Same thing happens over and over. Follow the instructions, it looks like it’s installing and then this happens
I reboot, nothing. It’s not installed in control panel - Programs
There’s no files installed on my pc when searched for.
Did some google-fuu found out to try this: tried, but it doesn’t help since nothing was installed so there’s no folder to go to to clean out.
Tried running as Admin, as well as in safe and same thing.
Not sure what it’s beef is, I’ve installed it on this machine in the past and many others with no trouble at all.
Attached the Log from the ‘view setup log’ if that helps
Any idea whats going on? Why this is happening? Can anyone help?
Trying to install on desktop PC, Windows 7 Home Prem, on C drive, fresh computer.
Also, if someone does respond and needs more info - I work nights so I’m heading to bed now so I won’t be able to respond for a few hours when I get up. ^_^;
Did you install all windows updates as well as all drivers for your system before trying to install avast?
Did you disable the windows av before trying to install avast?
Try doing a repair:
Program and Features > select avast!> scroll down select repair > Reboot
If that doesn’t work, do a clean install follow the directions from the link in my signature.
Bob: It was a full format and install… I may have goofed with a .sys file thing… and computer NOPED :B Lesson learned.
Eddy: Brilliant! If I could bake you muffins or something I would. Looks like not all the windows updates were done (I thought they had been yesterday) but I poked it to get the last few and tried running Avast in Admin mode once more and it installed!
You guys have been a great help. Thank you SO SO much!
ticor: Your english is ok. I’m not sure if you have the same problem as I do, but check your windows updates, making sure they were all downloaded and installed worked for me. Hopefully that will work for you as well!