Unable to login


I have installed Avast SBS and ADNM with MSDE on a server without error messages during the installation.
During the ADNM installation I have performed the Mirror.
The SO is Windows Server 2003 for Small Business.

When I start the ADNM console, the login appear. (JPG Login)

  1. I perform the search of Server. The server is founded example “SERVER01.DOMGROUP.LOCAL”
  2. I Enter the user ID (Administrator)
  3. I Enter the correct pwd (case sensitive)

But :frowning: this Message return to me: (JPG denied)

Unable to connect as Administrator or connection error

I have controlled the services and avast! Management Server is started correctly.

I have searched the error.log in my Path C:\Programmi\Alwil Software\Management Tools\Data, but this file don’t exist.
I have checked the DB connection that is active.

Please, how can resolve the problem ?

Best Regards


Hi nick,

I have a question: what password did you use? The default, i.e. admin, or the WINDOWS Administrator account password?

See my posts in this thread: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=21504

Hope this helps,


Thank You for fast reply.

using the password “admin” all work correctly. I had used, for error, the Windows pwd.

Another question, please.

I must install Avast! also on the Clients? If yes, which version?

Be patient with me, I am a newbie

Best Regards