I cannot open any programs not even any folders from my system.
I have got HP campaq nX9000, with XP Pro SP2, uptodate with updates.

I can’t even run the Avast as I am unable to open any explorers.
On the START - Programs - Avast nothing comes out (on the expand pan) however I could see it running (on the tool bar).

I had tried to do thing under safe mode too, its the same result.

I need to find a way to save all my data before I reformate hard disk (if that’s the only way to go)

Someone please help me.

Welcome to the forum !

Are you using NTFS or FAT32 ?
In the latter case, it is quite easy to save your datafiles. Otherwise, I leave this to the specialists…

Edit: in case of FAT32, get a KNOPPIX Debian Linux on bootable CD-ROM. It’s free (only the CD itself must be paid for). This OS runs completely in memory and is accompanied by a large number of useful programs. Using this CD you can “enforce” access to the harddisk and manage the rescue of your datafiles (like sending them to CD if you have separate burner). Sometimes it is even possible to repair a damaged OS.
However, if you are using the (default) NTFS file system, there is no way back to FAT32. In that case more specialized advice is needed.

Thanks Nicolas

How could I find out what I am using NTFS or FAT32?

remember I could not open any programs including the control panel

Hi, if your computer came with XP installed, it’s almost certainly NTFS. They should also have supplied you a bootable Windows CD for repair purposes. Running this CD will not affect your datafiles because these are non-system files.

However, are you sure this is a virus ? Maybe your mouse doesn’t work properly ? I read that Avast seems to be running. So, what happens if you use the keyboard shortcuts ?
For instance, the Windows logo key should have the same effect as clicking on “start” :
does it ?? If so, I will send you a complete list of all the shortcut keys.


Yes, my system came along with XP installed, along with ‘Operating System CD (XP Pro SP1) and an hp notebook driver recovery CD (contains software and drivers for system restore).

My mouse pad (synoptic Pointing device) works very well. Even, I was able to open its properties and reset it. Left clicks and the right clicks seams to be working all right.

to my understanding its the explorer that doesn’t work (open-up).

What can I do?

How to perform a in-place-repair (reinstallation) of Windows XP.

This should preserve your data and fix your problem.


I did the reinstallation as you suggested. After a lengthy process now the System reads as SP1. And it retained all the data and programs unchanged.

However, the problem remains the same. Same old story, minus the SP2. :frowning:

Any other solutions?


You restored the original system, so SP2 and updates must be installed again.

Doesn’t your computer have a security feature, blocking access to personal folders ?
See your manual ! Press keys E and Winlogo, explorer should appear. If not, something is blocking access.

The info is really insufficient to understand what’s exactly wrong. Remote repairs are hard to accomplish. It would be best if you see a qualified HP technician (if at least that’s possible where you live). HP offers a worldwide excellent service. Attach a note that your personal stuff must be saved !

Don’t reformat the harddisk, because your repair CD’s cannot be used for installation on an empty disk

I’m sure your problem will be easily solved if only a qualified person can have a look at your computer.



Thanks guys for your input

I tried through the RUN and open the ‘Easy CD Creator’ and was able to copy (burn) most of the Data that I wanted, running the system on a safe mode.

I found out that it’s the explorer and the Internet Explorer that I couldn’t open up. However, I could open some MS programs and all other programs under safe mode.

On the ‘Windows Task Manager’ when I managed to release some memory by ending few unwanted applications then I was able to open the Control panel and Add Remove Programs.
Though few programs: Internet Explorer, Avast Antivirus and another application called ‘1-Click Answers’ could not be changed or removed (though I was able to remove one of the Chess program.

Well, I am not sure what I should co next.

May be I should just reinstall the system and start all over again.

Hi, does not sound we are dealing with a healthy computer. Several viruses are known to cause these symptoms and they are hard to find and remove.

Your data being saved, it may indeed be advisable to reformat and reinstall, but
to do that you must have an installation CD, not a restore CD.


Yes, I gues I should reformat it.

Th CD that came along with it says: ‘Operating system CD XP Professional SP1’

Will I be able to use this to reformat hard drive?

Most probably…
I strongly suggest that you use partitions in your HDD.
Divide it into C: for programs and D: for your documents, files, data, etc.
So, if something goes wrong with Windows and your programs, you won’t lose your data as you can format (or restore a backup image) only of the C: partition 8)