Hi i have been tring to send/post a SCREENSHOT of the DESKTOP and TOOLBAR,i took the advice given but the attatched screenshot is 255kb which is over the 200kb limit,any help on howe i can still post it,i saved the screenshot as a JPEG.
Below is the original post i made on the 7th march.
Hi There i am new to the forum Smiley- and had previously downloaded the latest AVAST 4.6 about 3 weeks ago?,a strange occurance happened when i loaded up AVAST Roll Eyes-my lower TOOLBAR completely turned GREEN(horrible) and then the DESKTOP ICONS turned GREEN and my lower display boxes changed colour also,i had to uninstall AVAST because the whole TOOLBAR and the ICONS were unreadable!.I had to eventually UN-INSTALL AVAST.
I a few days later i re-installed AVAST thinking it could be one of those things that happens sometimes-but had exacktly the same problem,the main control program was ok sometimes but not always,sometimes it also was GREEN,any help here?.
I am running XP SP2 WINDOWS,with no problems,have done lots scans with AVs,anti-trojans,malware everything!,just also to say that i had the same problem with the earlier version of AVAST!.
Southern Man