Unable to register

Hello, hello,

I am (or rather was!) running Avast free version 6.0.1125 on windows vista home basic.

I didn’t realise that I had to register BEFORE the trial ran out (silly me!).
On the day it ran out I filled in the registration form & received the email with a 27-digit licence key, plus instructions on how to add it.

I am having the following issue with the registration instructions:

"2. Right click the orange “a-ball” in the bottom right corner of the screen, then left click “Registration information”…

Registration Information does not exist as an option, instead I have Subscription in the place where it should be.

So, there is no registration box to fill in, but rather the options of a) Insert license file (which I don’t have) or b) Insert Activation code, which is broken down into 3 seperate boxes for the code. The registration key you have sent me will not break down into 3 parts, nor will it all fit in the space provided.

I replied to the registration email, but have heard nothing back & there is no other way to contact Avast unless I am registered, other than phoning Prague.

Do I need to redownload Avast & start again? If I do this, will I be allowed another free trial, or will it recognise my IP address & refuse me? Is there another way around this or something I’m missing?


Ok, sounds like you do not have Avast! Free, but instead a free trial of an Avast! paid product, either Avast! Pro or Internet Security.

From there, seems like you filled out the online registration forum for Avast! Free and got sent the code, which of course would work fine for registering Avast! Free for a year, but wont do much to activate a trial of one of the paid versions, since no $$$ has changed hands, and the paid versions need a license file you receive via email after you buy.

So, if you want Avast! Free for a year, simply uninstall whatever free trial you have, install Avast! Free, and the registration you have already should work fine for that. But to activate the Avast! you currently have installed, you will need to open your wallet :wink:

Ya, Looks like you downloaded the Paid Version Trial, and seems like it’s ended…I would Do a clean install of the Free Version, like Gargamel 360 suggests…Or if you prefer the Paid Version…
Have funnn!!!and Safe Surfing!!!

Cheers people :smiley:
I knew it was more than likely something dunb I’d done :smiley:

You mean dumb… :wink: ;D

Good its working though, enjoy.