Unable to register

Having just installed Avast on another computer, we are unable to register it because the @ sign is not working on its keyboard. Can anyone from Avast help register it, please, if I send the email address?

what version of windows…

xp,vista,7 etc?

in xp u have a virtual keyboard as far as my memory serves me…

In 7 and vista,copy paste rules! [copy and paste the @ symbol from below in the location u want to ;)]


It is XP (in a virtual computer in windows 7 - the windows 7 is already registered).
So all I have to do is find out how to find the virtual keyboard then, thank you :slight_smile:

On-Screen Keyboard in Windows XP

If the @ key isn’t working, then the avast registration isn’t the only problem as it is something in common use. So I would be looking at a replacement keyboard that you can pick up real cheap and still do the job.

As mentioned, copy and paste, would do it an the email address you want to use could be found in an old email or the email programs address book.

But the real long term solution is to A) replace the keyboard, B) learn the Alt Key Code (http://www.alt-codes.net/, ALT+64) or C) use the Windows Character Map function (http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/international/accents/charmap.html) for the @ symbol.

I just checked the windows virtual keyboard, Windows+R key (windows run) and type OSK (on screen keyboard) and that should open it, but on my XP OSK it doesn’t have the @ key on the first screen, but pressing the Shift+Ctrl key change the screen and it is visible then…


Thank you for your advice. I think that I shall print this for reference when I attempt the registering again on the XP in the virtual computer. The @ works fine when in windows 7, it was solely when attempting to register avast on the XP in the virtual computer that it didn’t (how odd).
I have only just set up the XP in the virtual computer and am using it for a family tree programme, occasional internet use but not emails.

It is on a laptop.

You’re welcome, I would bookmark the alt-codes.net site very handy, as many of those won’t be available through the OSK interface.

Am getting lost in the technicalities here :slight_smile: as I don’t know what an OSK interface is :slight_smile:

So far we do not have bookmarks in the virtual computer, but I shall certainly print this so that I can refer to it; I may find that it will be necessary at some point to import bookmarks :slight_smile:

And I can look at this forum, too, in the virtual computer.

Thank you again.

It is the On Screen Keyboard (OSK) typing OSK (capitals not required) into the run window as explained before starts the windows On Screen Keyboard.