Anybody know what this is? My computer was set to static IP, and somehow it was switched to dynamic, and now I cannot get on the internet. I am able to browse the network, but no internet. And the unable to scans were in my log, like a couple of hundred files that it could not scan because of this exception error. Any ideas?
If you search the board for polymorph viruses keyword you’ll see that this is not a rare error message.
Maybe repairing your installation (through Control Panel) will help in someway
Thanks for advice. I found out that it was a virus that was affecting CyberSitter software that I had installed. The lspcs.dll file is infected, and I have uninstalled cybersitter, but everytime I reboot, I have to run WinLSP fix to get it to work. Guess I am gonna just gonna have to blow up XP and start over. I even restored from a couple of weeks ago, still wont work. Avast! caught it, but too late, it already manisfested. Here is the message - avast! [TECHLAB2]: File “C:\WINDOWS\system32\lspcs.dll” is infected by “Win32:Adware-gen. [Adw]” virus.
“Resident protection (Standard Shield)” task used
Version of current VPS file is 0636-3, 09/08/2006