Unable to tell if I've received the regkey microupdate for AV Internet Security

Using Program Version 17.9.2322 (build 17.9.3761.0) on Windows 7 with an Intel I7-4700k and I’ve yet to receive any updates from Microsoft in windows update. Conflicting information all over the internet today about who’s issue this is, Avasts or Microsoft. Microsoft says we should receive the update as soon as the registry key is detected, but no matter how much I update Avast through the program, or through the console, this update never appears. Using the AvEmUpdate.exe /debug command in the command line generates a giant log but no AvastUpdate.ini file, and I dont know how to export what text is generated to a log to show support to check if I have the update like in this forum https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=212648.0

I’m a very casual computer user and this security mess has been extremely frustrating to deal with… All I wanna do is install the update without nuking my computer… and I dont want to manually install the update for Windows 7 regarding the meltdown issues without first making sure Avast has changed that regkey. Someone please help.

EDIT: I checked my registry and that key does indeed exist. So I’m assuming this is Microsoft’s issue. Idk how to fix Windows Update though, I guess I’ll just try installing the update manually from their site
