Unable to uninstall Anti-Theft Component from my SGS Plus i9001[rooted]

It’s most annoying really , tried everything but it’s impossible to remove anti-theft component completely from my rooted device !!

Though i have not set it as “device administrator” as yet , should i do it ?

Tried using titanium backup pro but can see a component in settings->applications->manage apps->all … It’s a component with the name allotted to it & there is no option for uninstalling it !!

Any idea guys ? ???

Well, did you use any rooted method of installation? If yes, which one? If you can see apps without possibility of unistalling it means, that Titanimu Backup did hot get a proper rights to do it from superuser. Which version of superuser do you use? Thank you.

I used root@Dell126#1 [used v3 , the latest version by ZergRush [made available by DoomLord], available at XDA-Developers forum] !! :frowning:

One more thing , I can see the anti-theft component when i open the titanium backup pro !! When i select the component it gives me several options like backup , freeze , unistall , wipe data etc.

Should i just uninstall or “wipe data” first & then uninstall ??

Uninstall should take the data too.

I did uninstall once , the “component icon” in the applications disappeared but a component of 824 Kb remained in settings->applications->manage apps->all … On opening it there was no option for uninstalling it or deleting it !!

[That’s the reason i searched google for answers & found this great forum full of helping individuals !!]

Any clues to this peculiar problem ??

I’m having the same issue! I’m glad it’s not just me :slight_smile:

I have posted near the bottom of this thread:

If someone can offer a solution I would be grateful, right now a hard reset seems like the only option (albeit a drastic one!)


Once again tried to uninstall it using titanium backup pro but the same problem continues…One component remains in settings->applications->manage apps->all ! ???

That worked for me! Thanks :slight_smile:

I had to follow all of the following, including the Titanium Backup bit:

How to uninstall avast! Free Mobile Security?

To completely remove avast! Free Mobile Security from your phone, you have to deactivate avast! Anti-Theft at first:

  1. Open ‘avast! Mobile’ from All Apps screen in your Android phone.

  2. Select the option ‘Anti-Theft’, then ‘Set up basic settings’.

  3. Now ensure that ‘Enable Anti-Theft’ option is not checked, otherwise clear the checkbox on the right side to deactivate ‘avast! Anti-Theft’.

  4. Exit the ‘avast! Free Mobile Security’ user interface.

Once avast! Anti-Theft has been deactivated you can proceed with avast! Anti-Theft and avast! Free Mobile Security uninstallation:

  1. Open ‘Settings’ from All Apps screen in your Android phone.

  2. Select the option ‘Applications’, then ‘Manage Applications’.

  3. Select the option with disguise-name (custom application name) you chose for avast! Anti-Theft during the installation process.

  4. On the next screen ‘Uninstall’ and then ‘OK’ to confirm uninstallation of disguised avast! Anti-Theft.

  5. Once the uninstallation of avast! Anti-Theft is complete select ‘OK’ to get back to Manage Applications screen.

  6. Select the option ‘avast! Mobile Security’.

  7. On te next screen ‘Uninstall’ and then ‘OK’ to confirm unistallation of disguised avast! Anti-Theft.

  8. Once the uninstallation of avast! Free Mobile Security is complete select ‘OK’ to get back to Manage Applications screen.

Note: These steps can differ slightly depending on your phone type, used operating system version and its vendor customizations.

What can I do if the uninstallation of avast! Anti-Theft doesn’t work?

If the uninstallation of avast! Anti-Theft doesn’t work you probably set it as device admin in your phone settings during the configuration. To disable device admin settings for avast! Anti-Theft follow these steps:

  1. Open ‘avast! Mobile’ from All Apps screen in your Android phone.

  2. Select the option ‘Anti-Theft’, then ‘Set up advanced settings’, then ‘Lock text, GPS Wipe’ and afterwards ‘Device admin’ at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Now ensure that option with disguise-name (custom application name) you chose for avast! Anti-Theft during the installation is not enabled, otherwise clear the checkbox on the right side to deactivate device admin for ‘avast! Anti-Theft’.

  4. Exit the ‘avast! Free Mobile Security’ user interface.

Note: To remove a root installation of avast! Anti-Theft you can use free tool called Titanium Backup which is also alailable on Android Market. You were offered to choose Root installation mode (which requires your phone to be rooted) during the setup process, or continue a normal installation.

You’re welcome.

Hurray !!! Found a solution to remove that “shitty” Anti-Theft component from the settings->applications->manage apps->all …

Just open anti-theft in avast & instead of opting for rooted installion just install it without root !! After giving some funny name to it & after fully installing it just exit avast & reenter settings->apps->manage apps->all & tap on the funny name icon & there you will get an option for complete uninstallation … It worked for me & now handset does not show any pending anti-theft component !!!

Enjoy !! :smiley: