Unable to uninstall/reinstall/repair Avast

Unfortunately when I was installing Avast, the power to my computer was shutoff.

Once I powered my pc back on, I checked on the status of Avast; it looked like it had installed under Programs and Features but I was unable to use the product.

I tried un-installing it with no success. I tried repairing it, and re-installing it but I got the same error every time. (see attached logs)

I tried booting into safe mode and using the Avast uninstall utility and that didn’t work either.

I’ve tried restoring my computer to a different point in time before I installed avast and it’s still half-installed.

Does anyone know anything else I can try to resolve this?

Delete all folders/files manually.
Run CCleaner to cleanup the registry (it could be you have to click scan/fix multiple times)
Try to install avast

Eddy, thank you for the reply. I’ve attempted to delete the files but the OS is telling me I don’t have the administrative privileges to do so, even though I am using the admin account (which is also the owner) I tried deleted the files from a cmd prompt with elevated privileges but still no luck.

Hi Surrogate, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Look at this tutorial https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0

Scroll down to “Farbar Recovery Scan Tool” and follow the directions for that tool only.
Attach both FRST.tx and Additions.txt logs in your next reply.

I will notify expert Essexboy, so he can help you.

Greetz, Red.

Hello Rednose, thank you for the response, however I believe I have found a resolution.

In order to get rid of the installation folder, I downloaded Ubuntu, created a boot disk, and ran Ubuntu from the disk.

From there I was able to navigate to the Avast folder and delete it.

After that I restarted my system back into windows, and then Ran CCleaner as Eddy recommended.

I am no longer getting any errors and Avast was removed from the Programs list.

Thank you!

I hope you ran CCleaner a couple of times as I suggested.
Click “registry”
Click “scan”
If something is found, click “remove”
Repeat those 3 steps till nothing is found anymore and reboot.

Before trying to install avast again, make sure that a pre(vious) installed av is removed completely first.
Links to removal tools and instructions: http://www.ache.nl