I install avast on lots and lots of computer (I work in a computer store for home users avast is mandatory)
I made a CD that install windows , ms fixes and about thirty more apps (mozilla/KPF/OpenOffice/Avast etc…)
all that with the whole process only asking for username+machinename+cdkey at the beginning , I leave it alone for about half an hour and when I come back everything is install
exept avast and some very time sync program called Dimension4
I was wondering if there was a prefered way to install avast silently ? I blindly tried /s /silent /S -s etc… but I haven’t identified the install packager used so I’m in the dark :\
the only way I found is to run something to regmon/filemon and record all diskaccess and registery access and “play them back” during unattended install but this method is a pain to maintain when new avast version are released
also I want to set a few setting other than thier default like
resident scanner to maximum , VRDB in idle , merge VRDB icon , do not show help screen at first start of avast , set program updates to automatic because EU never do anything unless forced too (though this ended up to be a good thing with the recent “stall at startup after update problem”) etc. etc…
That’s exactly what the “Silent Installation” is for (in Professional version only, however).
You install avast! on one computer, do all the settings/configuration you want - and then select “Create Silent Installation” from the menu of the Enhanced User Interface. You’ll get a few special files; when you place them together with the installation package, it will do exactly what you want. The help file has more info - step by step.
If you have Professional, you can create silent installation of avast! Home Edition but primarily it is designed for Proffesional Edition.
So if you want to create silent installation for home users you will have to change “Serial” key in the created Admin.ini file. You will have to enter activation key of Home Edition.
This is by design: you need enhanced user interface to create silent installation. To start enhanced user interface you need Professional Edition activation key - so created Admin.ini will contain this key, so you need to change it.
Note: silent installation contains bug in current version. It will not restore activation key on target machine. Updated version should be available this week