Unblocking MSN Explorer??

Hi all,

I need help

Avast is blocking MSN Explorer, it won’t let me login, it just says ‘logging in’ but nothing happens. If I disable AVAST it works. I’ve tried just disabling bits of Avast like the IM for instances, but only works when AVAST is stopped.

I cannot see a list of what software Avast is blocking and allowing and it has not asked me if I wish to allow or deny MSN at any point.

I need MSN as it took me 2 years to get my Wife using it!!

Any help would be appreciated.


Hello, batcat. I’m not the best on MSN Explorer but I’m sure that if you browse the forum or use the search option you can get close to your problem solution. Welcome 8)

The problematic component is probably WebShield. But we have tested MSN Explorer with WebShield and it should work without a problem. What MSN Explorer version do you use? On which OS?

You can try to disable WebShield provider in avast and see if it makes any difference (it probably would).

Thanks guys, I tried a search fo MSN Explorer earlier, but no joy.

I’ve terminated the webshield and that worked thanks. It is wise to leave it off, I guess I could just reactivate it once I’m logged in?

I’m on XP SP2 running MSN V7.

Thanks for your help.

Do you use any firewall? Do you have some http proxy set in internet explorer? Something like that?

Currently I have several installations of MSN Explorer 7.02.0011.2700, on XP SP1, XP SP2. Login works without a problem.

You can enable logging in WebShield.

Edit \data\avast4.ini file, find the section [WebScanner], add the line EnableLogging=1, restart Web Shield. The log file should be created in \data\log\ashwebsv.log. Post it here or send by mail after your tried to logon with MSN E…

batcat, I have the same version of MSN as you,

Go to Internet properties
Click Connection
Go to Lan Settings
Make sure you have no check mark on anything, if there is a check mark, uncheck it.
Click Apply and Ok
Then try MSN again.

That’s how I got my msn working again, I hope this helps you. :slight_smile:

I have exactly the same problem in my 3 PC’s
You can logon batcat but after waiting for about 7-10 minutes. Try it :slight_smile:

Fixer thx but your proposition doesn’t work for me.

I search the forums for solution but I guess avast developers have to do it.
I want to add more details to the configuration batman wrote.
Win XP Pro SP2 with all the recent updates from microsoft.
There is also installed the latest MSN Messenger 7.0 wich may be the problem (MSN explorer tries to open messenger too)
No software firewalls enabled (not even XP’s)
I’m behind a simple ethernet ADSL router (alcatel-Thomson speedtouch 510i)

I hope this is fixed soon. I don’t dare to deactivate webshield, So i better wait those 7-10 minutes to sign in. Hmm forgot something that may be critical: If you sign in like this (after waiting 10 mins) you cant see your favorites in msn explorer, but if you deactivate avast on access protection and sign in immediatelly you have your favorites back.

This is unusual, if I had to wait about 7-10 just to sign on, I’ll be kicking the monitor for an hour. Did you try the avast! beta version 4-6-663? :-\

@jackie.dupont59 … you are posting in a topic from 2005 ::slight_smile:
Any problem you have is not similar/related to avast program that existed in 2005

Start a new topic and explain your problem