What’s the difference between
Terminating (or Pausing) the Webshield provider
unchecking “Enable Web scanning”
under that provider’s Basic tab?
Thank you.
What’s the difference between
Terminating (or Pausing) the Webshield provider
unchecking “Enable Web scanning”
under that provider’s Basic tab?
Thank you.
Well, if you uncheck the option it will not scan the files but you can still use URL blocker. If you pause it you can’t use either of these two functions.
A little bit more:
Pausing the Webshield means that the intercepting of the Web browser activity by avast is still active (ie it still passes through avast) but avast does not actively scan the content. Terminating the Webshield means that the avast intercept for browser activity is completely removed from the system. This may not appear too important a point - but it can make the difference in determining conflicts between avast and other intercepts (like certain so called Web accelerators - and even possibly VPN solutions).
I will not attempt to describe the difference for unchecking “Enable Web scanning”. I think it falls somewhere above and between the circumstances above and I think I know what it means but I am by no means certain. You do not need my guess, I think a better explanation (to which I look forward) would come from the avast team (unless the memory of my more knowledgeable friends Tech or David can point us to already posted information).
No, I can’t go further…