uneng.exe has trojan?

uneng.exe is part of Roxio which has been installed on my pc for years. Suddenly in the last Avast scan it shows as a trojan (Win32:Agent-DZT [Tr] found in c:\windows.

Is this some kind of false positve. What is going on?


Thank you.

I sent the file uneng.exe (after restoring to C:\Windows) to VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner
The report from all was no virus found.

Went to Standard Shield and added the file to exclusions. It still keeps showing up as a trojan.

Now what?

If it still keeps showing you have probably entered the wrong path and file name into the exclusions.

What did you enter ?
c:\windows\uneng.exe or you could try c:*\uneng.exe

Did you boot after that? ::slight_smile:

I used the path C:\Windows\uneng.exe

I also used an Acronis image of Drive C from 3 weeks ago and restored from it. After the automatic Avast updates I ran a virus scan and once again got the trojan warning for uneng.exe

It would seem that once of the recent Avast updates is causing the problem.

For now the file is in the vault and Roxio seems to continue to function.

that’s why avast adds a copy of the file in the virus vault…it doesn’t move the file from its original location to the virus vault…also it would be nice if u send the file to virus@avast.com telling them that its a false positive so they can fix it in the next vps update…

Oh no… if the file is infected it is moved to Chest… there would be no reason to send just a copy.
A backup (second copy) is sent to Chest if the user choose ADD to Chest. The file will be shown at USER folder (into Chest).

oops sry tech my mistake…thnx for erasing me…


P.S. Avast seems to have fixed the problem. Scan of uneng.exe no longer shows as trojan alert.


P.S. Avast seems to have fixed the problem. Scan of uneng.exe no longer shows as trojan alert.

then everything is ok…and how long did the avast take to fix ur problem?how many days since u sent them the file?

This one could be measured in hours not days, considering the time it was first posted on the forums, you can check the topic posting times to get a good idea of how long.
Sample sent, topic reply #5 My local times - December 31, 2006, 03:34 PM
Notification in topic reply #9 January 1, 2007, 04:17 PM.

So allowing for the fact the VPS will have been corrected earlier and then auto update, this would appear to have been corrected in just under a day, excellent when you consider the dates New Years Eve and New Years Day.