unexpected scans


I’ve latest version of Avast free version upgraded previous one on a Windows 7 (32bit) PC.

Since I’ve updated to ver 8 I’ve got unexpected scans that I didn’t not scheduled.
Last time I coundet 115!!! of them.

They appear in Security section, under Antivirus menu (on the left) in Scan Now list.
Their name is always ??? (three question marks) and they run just when they want - I couldn’t find any logic.
There is no schedule at all. I have mine done which work pretty well.
Even if I delete these scans they appear back in the moment I switch to another menu forth and back.

It seems (but I’m not much sure) that they appear also during high disk activity (i.e. downloading many small files from internet).

I do not want to give up and to wipe avast for I like it, but if I failed solving this problem I’ll be forced to do it.

Any help how to disable this behavior will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

  • Which version of avast! Free…??
  • OS…?? (which SP…?)
  • Other security related software installed…??
  • Which AV(s) did you use before avast!..??

Thank you for you fast replay for this make me crazy!

avast - 8.0.1496
OS - Windows 7 (32bit)
Other security related software installed - No
Which AV(s) did you use before avast - avast 7 - actually I’m using avast since last windows pre-installation

Avast & Windows are with latest updates applied.
No additional protection (windows’ are disabled) software that might hamper the antivirus.

Additionally I found out that these scan are configured to scan All Hard drives!
They always are running in group of three - three parallel scans - and I hardly can type my password to be able to stop them.

  1. Download avast! Free Antivirus: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe
  2. Follow instructions: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed avast! versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall avast! with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Thank you very much for you fast reaction!

I did these steps and for now (almost one hour later :wink: everything seems to work fine.

Thank you

You’re welcome.