Unhappy User

I Want To Delete Avast! but it wont let me im tired of having a bunch of viruses and i want to reinstall windows defender but avast will not allow me to delete it it has so many roots in my harddrive its like a plague help me please. :frowning:

Download the uninstall utility from here. Open the utility and select OK or Yes all the way through the process.


How are you trying to delete avast ?

It should be able to be removed in the normal control panel - Add Remove Programs or Programs & Features, like any normal program. Have you tried that, if so what happened ?

Why won’t it allow you to do it, e.g. what error messages are displayed ?

If, as you say, there are that many viruses and rootkits, etc., The first thing I would do is create a topic in the viruses and worms section and follow the instructions given in the following topic.
