Uninstall and install avast

after installing MAC OS Catalina I cannot find avast installed anywhere. If I want to install it, it will tell me that I have to uninstall it first. Is it possible to reinstall it?
You can answer in czech language. :slight_smile:

Hello Lenik,

I will stick to english just in case someone else encounters a similar problem.

  1. I would try to open our uninstaller. It is located in /Applications/Avast.app/Contents/Backend/utils/com.avast.uninstall.app and try to uninstall the AV. It might be that just the UI refuses to open for some reason.

  2. If the uninstaller is not there (maybe the entire /Applications/Avast.app might not be there), then I would recommend deleting /Library/Application Support/Avast

You should be able to install Avast again after that.

Please let us know whether you managed to resolve the issue and what helped.

Best regards,


Hello Jakub,
thank you for your advice. The second option worked. I had to delete directory Avast in Library. Then the installation was done.
Thanks so much.

Morning. I am running Big Sur, 11.2 beta, and have tried to install, but get the same error message. Have also tried to locate. and delete the files; but they are already removed.