My computer crashed and now avast isn’t working, tried uninstalling through the control panel and it wouldn’t work, downloaded Avastclear and tried to run it normally and through safe made and after the “do you want his program to make changes to your computer” and i click yes it just doesn’t run.
What previous antivirus did you have installed before using Avast?
What Windows operating system you have? Does it have the latest Service Pack? Are all Microsoft updates installed?
What firewall are you using?
-What previous antivirus did you have installed before using Avast?
None, i think ive had Avast for a little over more than 2 years, earlier this year i had to register again i think.
-What Windows operating system you have? Does it have the latest Service Pack? Are all Microsoft updates installed?
Windows 7 64 bit operating system. Dont know?. Doesnt it do that automatically, my computer regularly gives me a warning at 3am about updating.
-What firewall are you using?
Windows Firewall
Not 100% sure, i had google chrome open and was starting a game in steam. got to the menu and went to grab a drink and hit the toilet. Came back to blue screen scrolling down, didnt read it quick enough before computer restarted. Asked if i wanted to start in safe mode on boot. Got a message on startup about checking recent programs i had installed and windows defender and avast had been disabled. Was able to re-enable windoes defender but when i clicked on avast it sent me to there webpage. Can’t think of anything i have re-installed recently but Google Chrome has been updated. I know because when i try to go to a backup before the blue screen it won’t let me because of my antivirus software.
Wouldnt say i have fixed my computer, avast seems to be the problem now. I cant open it, i cant change it, i cant re-install it and i cant uninstall it. Not sure what the problem is or how to fix it but Avast seems like the problem at the moment.
Checking if you have the latest Service Pack to this. Right click my computer and click on properties and you will see what service pack you have installed. It’s good that you use your computer about 3am about updating. Just to be sure you have all the updates, check it again. Some updates tends to fail i think because other updates should be installed first.
Did you do any scan for malware via Superantispyware and malwarebytes? If you did and no malware came up. Follow these steps for other fixes
You might have other issues/problems. Only experts will able to help you with this.