Uninstall Problems

TRying to uninstall avast server edition for a new install, I get the following error:

Error loading Z:\program files\avast\setup\setiface.dll
The specified module can not be found.

Obviously the folder and .dll file do not exist. How do I get them back so I can do a clean uninstall or can you give directions for a manual uninstall.

Did you install the program to a network drive?
What was “Z:” at the time of installation?

“Z” is just another partition on the drive.

So, is it the path where you’ve installed avast?

Copy the file setiface.ovr from avast4\setup directory to setiface.dll

If your installation is completely broken, uninstall/reinstall please.

I may have not stated correctly that the folder \avast\setup “does not exist” neither does the file.

My question is how can I do the manual uninstall and remove the registry entries so I can redo a clean install.

But this hasn’t happened by itself, has it? ???


I really don’t know how it happened but that is not important to me at this point.
I need to get manual removal instructions for registry entries and system files. Can you help me?

Simply run avclear4.exe, the link to the file is in my previous message.