Uninstall question! Please help! Also help with qurantined system files!

I did something stupid with the win32:vitro virus that infected my memory and put it in the chest. Now nothing on my computer runs (no exes that is. can’t even open task manager. just my wallpaper in the background) except in safe mode. I can’t even acess the chest to remove it from the chest and run32dll is missing so I can’t uninstall Avast.

Long story short: If I end up fixing the run32dll problem…Will uninstalling Avast remove files from the chest?

Also, for some reason the chest won’t open. Says something about being loaded with errors. Is there still a way to remove these important system files from qurantine? Thanks in advance. I really need help with this!

Seems that something passed through avast… and you’re infected.
Vitro is a dangerous malware. Backup your documents and data in Safe Mode.
You don’t have to delete the files into Chest (they can’t harm there).
Uninstalling avast deletes the Chest files unconditionally.
Chest can’t be managed in Safe Mode.

I think it’s because I did “put in chest” for the win32:vitro virus which infected my system files and memory therefore quarantining it and stopping it from running. I want to remove them from chest so they’re no longer quarantined but since I can’t do this in safe mode I don’ t know how else to do it. msconfig won’t even work for my computer. In regular mode, I get just my wallpaper, no explorer.exe, and I can run task manager.

And what do you mean by uninistalling Avast deletes the Chest files unconditionally? Would they be removed from the chest if I uninstall Avast? Is there a way I can remove from Chest in safe mode?

No, Chest is safe to keep the files. They can’t harm from inside Chest.
Chest is removed (uninstalled) when avast is uninstalled.

Vitro is a very dangerous malware.
Backup your critical documents and data and consider reformating (also repartitioning and using fdisk to erase MBR part of the disk). In other words, start from the very very beginning.