uninstall Trend Micro Antivirus

I got a new Vista computer with Trend Micro antivirus installed, free for a month. I want to install Avast as I have used it for years it on my other two machines. Is just using the uninstall or the Control Panel/remove program enough to avoid problems? I had Norton on my other machines, and had problems uninstalling it to use Avast.

RoRo 8)

Hi roro,
This should d the trick:

Thanks Bob,
That certainly looks easy enough.
Ro Ro ;D ;D

Please let us know if this worked for you so I can add it to the list of the other Anti Virus Uninstallers.
Thanks. :slight_smile:

I probably won’t be uninstalling until June when the 30 day temporary license is over. I will give my opinion then.

RoRo 8) 8)