uninstalled avast, it silently reinstalled itself a month later

i’m on windows 10. uninstalled avast in late november or early december. turned on my computer today and i see that avast is running again. judging by the windows event logs, it reinstalled itself around 1/18, with no input or permission from me (and no notice TO me until today). what gives?

I doubt it installed itself… Did you update CCleaner on that date?

i last updated ccleaner on 1/9. why? i just reran the ccleaner installer to check - it doesn’t say anything about bundling avast.

It wouldn’t if Avast is installed. It could if Avast is not installed.

See info/screenshots http://techdows.com/2017/11/ccleaner-installs-avast.html

oops i thought i’d replied to this. ccleaner was indeed the culprit >:( thanks!