
I was testing avast on-access scanning with the virus scanner called `avastd’.
I’ve installed avast4server-2.0.0-i586.
Since the test period is over, 60 days, I need to remove it but I couldn’t find how.
The Readme, FAQ and Install text files do not have this information.
When I try to update Kubuntu, the error on avast-server is being shown all the time.
I need to stay just with the on-demmand scanner.

Dublin, can you help me to remove all the other stuffs?
Or, is there another solution to make avast-server to work?


There are mkinstall.sh scripts in both avast4server and libavastengine packages. Run the script with ‘-u’ switch to uninstall packages.

Thanks. Done :cry:
I mean, I’m without resident protection now :-[ :stuck_out_tongue: