Hi Everyone!
Was wondering if any of you just recently updated their Avast Pro 4.1 and got this error:
Unknown error.
Storage cannot be created for the ‘‘Splash’’ task.
Unknown error.
Cofiguration is not loaded properly. Error: dbsCreateObject
Unknown error.
Program cannot save parameteres to the storage! [Error:
Avast then crashes completely and disappears from the tray icon.
Looking @ the event viewer in Windows XP Pro SP1 - I found the following under antivirus:
_ASWSIMPLE program run information: CaswSimplePos::LoadWindowMove() failed.
_ODBC function INSERT INTO LocalObjects (Id, Type, Label, Comment, CreationTime, Creator) VALUES (1090212992, 1, ‘*DefTask0’, ‘’, 1087507549, 0); failed. Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Unknown.
the error is repeated a dozen times in Event Viewer
This occured right after the last update released - a couple of hours ago!!! Help please ???