Unknown Error

Can someone please help with this error? My resident protection remains inactive. It will not enable when I select the start tab. I am unable to perform a viruscan. The errors I get are…

“Unknown error Storage cannot be created for splash task”

“Configuration is not loaded properly” Error dpsCreateObject

“Program cannot save parameters to the storage” Error dpsCreateObject

This is from my log file…
Comment, CreationTime, Creator) VALUES (2057353204, 1, ‘*Simple’, ‘created from asxSimple’, 1081238832, 0); failed. Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Unknown.
06.04.2004 04:07:12 PROTECTOR\Administrator 1420 ODBC function INSERT INTO LocalObjects (Id, Type, Label, Comment, CreationTime, Creator) VALUES (-1346976613, 1, ‘*Simple’, ‘created from asxSimple’, 1081238832, 0); failed. Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Unknown.
06.04.2004 04:07:14 PROTECTOR\Administrator 1420 ASWSIMPLE Usage of class Storage failed. Error details: CaswSimpleDlg::SaveParameters() - error: dbsCreateObject.
06.04.2004 04:15:46 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 532 ODBC function SELECT [Id] FROM LocalObjects WHERE ((Label=‘*DefTask0’) AND (Type=1)); failed. Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Unknown.

Can anyone please help? :frowning: Thanks. :slight_smile:

Yeah, i have the same problem. Re-installing doesnt help.

Hopefully this problem will be rectified soon. :slight_smile:

I wonder what caused the error?

Yeah, that problem came out of nowhere, one day everything was working fine the next nothing works.

Can you change the value Database on section [Common] from ODBC to XML ?

Driver for VRDB: ODBC or XML. Mostly concerning storage and databases problems may be related to the database drivers that could be downloaded from www.microsoft.com/data.

Actually, if you need more information about the avast4.ini file you can see here. :wink:

Thank you very much. :slight_smile: I’ll try this and post my results.

Thanks again. :slight_smile: