can anyone help please, Online Armor keeps reporting, that an exe file wants to run at startup, and asks what to do, at the moment I have blocked them, ran a full scan with Avast and Malwarebytes, all clean, then ran CCleaner, another file popped up, and when I looked at its location in OA, there was an Avast folder there, so are the below files part of the Avast scans, I had set exclusions in OA for Avast, so not sure why it has started to pick up these files, if they are from Avast. I have not been able to get any info on these files from OA, so if you could point me in the right direction, It would be a great help
Thank you both for your replies, it’s good, that it looks like they are Avast files, I was worried that they may have been a virus etc. Alwil software and all sub folders is listed in the exclusions folder of OA, these files don’t pop up all the time, so the next time OA flags one, as long as it traces back to an location with an Avast folder, I will allow it to run, to see if it stops them being blocked.