I’m using avast 4.8 Home Edition
I’ve also had another AntVir
When I open the Downloads file in E drive
The other AntVir (not avast) shows that the unp file in C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast4_ is “TR/Unpacked.Gen Trojan”
Each time, there are two unp files
This will happen when I first open the Downoads file, when I open it the second time, there is no virus
Every time I turn on my computer and open the Downloads file, this will happen
How can I solve this problem?
Is it the problem of avast or the other AntVir?
It seems, that you have 2 AV Guards activ. You have to disable one of them. As you are in the Avast Forum you should disable the Antivir Guard!
Antivir reports files which are unpacked with special tools. It seems, that Avast unpack the files the same way and so Antivir reports it.
As raman said, two antivirus at the same time will conflict and fight for the scanning file.
Most of the times, even disabling is not enough.
You think you’ll have better protection, in fact, overkill the computer resources and get conflicts, imho.
The C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast4_ is where avast unpacks archives to scan the contents, so if you have two AVs installed it is entirely possible that it intercepts a file that avast unpacks into the C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast4_ folder.
This is an issue of having two resident AV installed at the same time.
Having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.
I see
I’ll disable the other Antivir
Thanks a lot
It won’t be enough :
[i]Tech is correct; simply disabling one or the other is not enough…
Remove Antivir and any remnants thereof… AVAST! is clearly the superior product… :D[/i]
Of course, this is avast forum… we use avast… our opinion is somehow biased ;D