My computer tells me my system is not protecting me. I am using Avast 5 on my Vista. What do i want to do to restart?
Does this just happen for a few seconds when you start your computer ?
If you left click the avast icon in the system tray, what sections of avast aren’t protected ?
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
Can I Hijack this thread please? I’m having the same problem.
Launching the avast! window from the tooltray shows the message:
Urgent! avast service stopped.
This is followed by the message:
The avast! antivirus program has been stopped, or is in an inconsistent state. Please restart the program to resume protecting your system.
This is followed by a control to ‘Start program’, but pressing it has no effect.
I have tried rebooting the PC and the problem persists.
This is on a very recent clean Vista install (less than a week) with no other Anti-virus packages running.
It has been working fine for the last week or so and had stopped working when I restarted from sleep this evening.
Clearly the problem is not local to me.
(I am running another copy on an XP laptop, and that is fine.)
with no other Anti-virus packages running.but did you have any ? what was it ? and how did you remove it ?
Have you tried avast repair and reboot ?
For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.
Seems to have worked! (need to go out, more detail later)
If your machine was delivered with a preinstalled antivirus, you should uninstall it and run a removal tool to remove all leftovers after the program
you can fin a removal tool here
Thank you for pointing out the repair facility. Hadn’t thought of looking in ‘add/remove’. Will remember for other problems in future.
Running ‘Repair’ didn’t appear to do anything. (I can’t remember if I did a reboot straight after - don’t think I did.)
Next tried ‘Update’ (again from add/remove) and this clearly found something, and there were progress bars showing its installation. After this I DID reboot. Power-on to login time was several minutes, during which time the screen was on, but black - presumably the rootkit tests running. Once fully logged-in, avast was working normally again. Strange.
Now, this problem could not be due to any other anti-virus package. As I said, it was a clean Vista install – to a new hard disk – and Windows isn’t supplied with an AV package. Other security packages installed are: Outpost Firewall, WinPatrol, and Spyware Blaster. These have been co-existing for two weeks without a problem.
Thanks for help fixing this, and I will bookmark the uninstaller list - useful.
@ pierre fredette,
It appears that you posted the same problem in 2 threads and here. I commented in the first thread you posted with specific details and questions. Please respond to that thread. Thank you.
@ DavidR, feel free to follow up with this OP if I am not available since we live in opposite parts of the world and you may be able to respond quicker than me. Thank you.