Unresponsive Avast Passwords problem report

Hi, I started getting a Problem Report pop-up for com.avast.passwords.PasswordsExtensionServer claiming that the server quit unexpectedly. It asks for sending a report, but it is completely unresponsive and can’t get killed in any means. I do not even use the Passwords feature.
I have Mac-Mini running macOS High Sierra


If you can see passwords icon in top bar could you please click on it while holding left Alt key. This will show Logs option in the menu. Click on it and it will reveal logs folder in Finder. Please zip all files in the folder and send them to me via private message. We will analyse the log to see what’s going on.
If you can’t see the icon the log folder is located here:
~/Library/Group Containers/6H4HRTU5E3.com.avast.passwords/Logs


Side note, PM doesn’t allow any attachments.

Ups I didn’t know that, thanks for the note Asyn, so please send the logs directly to may mailbox: kvetko@avast.com

NP Martin. Btw, you can also let them use the FTP-Server. (ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming/)