I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. On the main site ( http://www.avast.com/eng/home-registration.php?page=finish ) when I selected this link, ( http://www.brothersoft.com/avast-4-home-edition-17421.html ) Norton said the site was unsafe. I have yet to download a new anti virus and have been deciding which one to use. My free Norton that came on my HP is soon to expire. This is why I am at this site. Is Avast the one for me? I need free for now, but may possibly be able to afford full version in the future.
Thank You. Dijidog 8)
the full report is here
The site is ok, only people post malware on it as well. Avast! is safe to download from there but not some other programs. Overall, its okay to download Avast! from there or you can just download from the Avast! site or Cnet Downloads.
Download Avast! from site - English: http://files.avast.com/iavs4pro/setupeng.exe
Thank you so much for a very prompt and effecient reply. I will dl Avast.
A few more questions if you have the time…
Is there something else I need to protect my computer, I.E. anti spyware?
At what point should I make a Backup/recovery disc of my system?
Is there a way to report and or stop people from posting malware…err and just what is malware.
;D Ha…sorry…each question led me to another question ! ???
You might want to have a backup anti-virus. Choose any one you want!
Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php
Super Anti-Spyware: http://www.superantispyware.com/superantispywarefreevspro.html
Now that, I don’t know…
You can report people.
You can’t stop someone from posting malware if he/she wants to. They might even have a virus that makes the file be included with a virus.
Malware is the same as a computer virus.
Thanks again.
You have been a great help.
Hope to see you again in the days to come ! 8)