Unscheduled System Scans Occurring

Hello, I’m back again! :slight_smile:
So, we are having an issue with the managed avast on the client PCs running quick scans and full scans, even though I have deleted these Jobs from the BPP Management console.

Is there a reason why these scans are still occurring? I would like to stop them.
If you want to know why, it is because I want to make sure it is all cleaned up before I start creating my own Jobs.

Any help from anyone is appreciated. Thank you!

Wich version of console have you installed?
Is the lastest one
And clients are on 6.0.1373?

Console version:
Client version: 6.0.1373

So, yes, the versions you listed.
I am currently crafting an email to support, as there are various other problems occurring with this new avast software, such as AvastNet.exe failing to load at startup.