This morning my avast appeared with “Unsecured Fix Now.” I have clicked the “fix now” button and nothing happens other than it keeps asking me for permission to run the program. Last night I had update mozilla to 5.0 but a son had the computer after that. When I started the computer this morning it was actually unable to open windows. I had to also do a system restore before the computer would actually work. Any ideas on what’s going on and how to get avast working again?
I have used Windows Restore when with avast! It caused some avast! problems. Don’t recall exactly what they were. I uninstalled and reinstalled avast! and everything was fine.
I don’t like using Windows Restore :P. I have found Windows Image Restore and Restore Last Known Good Configuration to work a lot better and play nicer with avast! and other non-Windows software on my computer.
Which program is asking you permission? Permission to run which other program?
Last night I had update mozilla to 5.0 but a son had the computer after that. When I started the computer this morning it was actually unable to open windows. I had to also do a system restore before the computer would actually work. Any ideas on what's going on and how to get avast working again?
Is Avast not working “at all”? Or you still meant for the “Unsecured” part?
If Avast is working, are you able to run a Scan?
If it is only the “Unsecured” part that worries you, have you rebooted your system?
OS? SP? x32 / x64? Which edition of Avast (Free / Pro / AIS) ? Which version of Avast?
Which other security tools you have currently installed?
Re: Unsecured Fix Now
« Reply #2 on: Today at 02:03:56 PM » Quote
oh my at the questions!
ok…it is stating “the program needs permission to continue, program to continue is avast antivirus”
It will not run a scan…says “Unable to scan no more endpoints available for endpoint mapper”
I have the avast icon in my system tray with a little red X. That is actually how I noticed something was wrong.
As to which version… I have the avast internet security. Program version 6.0.1203
All of this is like greek to me
Trying a clean install of avast seems a good idea. This link from Tech explains how.
That is Windows (Vista or Seven, you haven’t said). So what you with that question? Let it so to resolve the problem. If you did, then what happens? Have you rebooted the computer after that “fix” is completed?
If that doesn’t work…
…Since you are using Avast Internet Security (AIS), you may want to save the registration file (or at least know your email address where you received it), then download the AIS setup.exe from Avast, and the Clean Uninstall Utility. After that follow the instructions for a Clean Uninstall under Windows Safe Mode and reboot to install Avast from scratch.
In ANY case, once you solve the “Unsecured” problem, you should scan your system.
The one suggestion I didn’t follow until the very end was to reboot. I’m not the most computer savy person but I do know that should be a first try. I guess I was expecting it to be a more difficult fix than it needed to be :
Thank you so much for your assistance.
Oh and I am using Windows Vista.