
Hello All I am New here so please bear with me!

I am having a problem with my Avast, my Icon at the bottom by the clock has an X on it and tells me that it is Uncsecured! When I click on that it takes me to a large page that say to Fix Now or Start Program when I click on eather of them it tells me that It is Not Responding. When I right click on the Icon it tells me that I have 8 Shields disabled.

How can I Fix this?

welcome to the forum try to repair avast and see if that could help you. start> control panel> add/remove programs> scroll to avast hit remove, in the screen that comes up hit repair.

good luck.

Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

Tried the fix and the update in “add/remove programs” no success.Repair returned “error processing packages” and the update returned a reply of “error while changing product configuration” after trying to download two files.“servers.def.vpx , prod-ais.vpx”.

Any more suggestions?

Reinstall Avast, Download new set up file to your desktop from http://www.avast.com/lp-upgrade-4-5-free

Uninstall the old one first. It may help you.

Thankyou, did that last night and now it is working. However i could only download the trial version not the licensed one that I had before.

You always download the trial version.
The paid (pro, licensed) version is the same setup plus the license key you add.