I have only been doing PCs since 1974 when they were first offered by IBM and I have only been writing software for about 30 years, so someone help me out here.
I LOVE Avast Pro. I paid for it! I recommend it to friends and family. I would really like to know how to stop the warning message I get several times a day, every day. It says “Suspicious Extension(s) Warning” in an email attachmen" (usually for file postcard.exe). I ALWAYS delete it. I don’t think about it, I don’t question if I should. I would be very very happy if Avast would just delete it and leave me alone. If someone is dumb enough to send me a .EXE in an attachment, I can live without it.
I have searched this forum and what documentation I can find. I have looked on every configuration screen I can find. I have given up the hunt and waited weeks until I got so frustrated I started searching again. I can not find it.
So PLEASE, how do I stop the Suspicious Extension(s) warning?
It is in the heuristic of the internet mail provider, where this check is done, unfortunately there isn’t a setting just to delete this when it is a heuristic detection. You can modify the checks so you wouldn’t be alerted but that wouldn’t achieve what you ask, simple deletion of the suspect extension email either, just stop the symptom (alert).
The home version is also limited in the automated actions.
You can look at the Internet Mail provider and then on Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and select Silent Mode and the General answer No.
This will send the infected mail to the chest, this is as good as losing the email as it is highly unlikely that avast would be able to restore this if you wanted to do this as it couldn’t easily insert it into the email database file used by the various email programs.
My own feeling on this is you should use the default interactive action, as this would apply to all infected/suspect email. This way you know exactly what is going on with your system. If you are getting so many warnings, that you want to automate this process, I believe you should review your security practice - filter emails at source, delete from server rather than download them, review the sites they visit, etc.