Unsual questions

What happens if as a result of congestion, the capillary blood pressure rises above the plasma-protien osmotic pressure?

I found this question on the internet somewhere and it’s bugging me. ???

Note: Rats I forget this is the general forum :frowning:

first time I tried this…ah well back to the drawing board… ;D


Pulmonary Edema?

To Nurse Susz:

                                  [b]     You know you're a nurse if..[/b]

You believe every patient needs TLC: Thorazine, Lorazepam and Compazine.

You would like to meet the inventor of the call light in a dark alley one night.

You believe not all patients are annoying … some are unconscious.

You can only tell time with a 24 hour clock.

When asked, “What color is the patient’s diarrhea?”, you show them your shoes.

You can tell the pharmacist more about the medicines he is dispensing than he can.

You carry “spare” meds in your pocket rather than wait for pharmacy to deliver.

You refuse to watch ER because it’s too much like the real thing and triggers “flash backs.”

You check the caller ID when the phone rings on your day off to see if someone from the hospital is trying to call to ask you to work.

You notice that you use more four letter words now than before you became a nurse.

Every time someone asks you for a pen, you can find at least three of them on you.

You don’t get excited about blood loss … unless it’s your own.

You live by the motto, “To be right is only half the battle, to convince the physician is more difficult.”

You’ve told a confused patient your name was that of your coworker and to HOLLER if they need help.

Eating microwave popcorn out a clean bedpan is perfectly natural.

Your bladder can expand to the same size as a Winnebago’s water tank.

When checking the level of orientation of a patient, you aren’t sure of the answer.

You find yourself checking out other customer’s arm veins in grocery waiting lines.

You avoid unhealthy looking shoppers in the mall for fear that they’ll drop near you and you’ll have to do CPR on your day off.