Unsure about custom intel drivers

Avast does not detect anything suspicious in these custom intel HD graphics drivers here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/duoza2ud7jrs3ew/PHDGD+SkyLake.rar
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/modpgd
but these are new drivers and they may not have had a chance to be checked, so I would want someone at the Avast Labs to check it out first.

I would really like to try these drivers, but I’m not willing to compromise my security for the ability to play a game.

check suspicious file(s) here www.virustotal.com / www.metascan-online.com if scanned before, click rescan for a fresh result

you may post link to scan result here

https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/f0ebc4b2a7f76c334af5d898f537636ed965d4818f0adbb298386e408ed5e202/analysis/ Only Symantec and the no-name Rising detected a virus. These results are inconclusive as this is a new program and of course a driver is the last thing you want infected.
I think this one needs to be manually checked for suspicious activity in the labs since there is not enough background on the program to trust it.

Only Symantec and the no-name Rising detected a virus.
Not exactely .... Symantec WS.Reputation.1 is a reputation detection and not a confirmed malware

So are you confirming this download is safe? I’m asking because I know no antivirus is perfect and if it is a zeroday, then I would be upset.