i got an “Unusual sign-in activity” notice from Microsoft after i installed Avast SecureLine VPN, is this normal?
Please post a screenshot of the message.
Yes it can happen, because you’re signing in with a different IP because of the VPN it is being seen as unusual.
Yahoo mail will notify you via email if you use the vpn to connect to your email account, as will gmail, Hotmail, and so on.
What they all are doing is letting you know a “new” system is connecting to your email account from a different part of the country or world than normal or what is expected.
Under normal circumstances such a notice would be helpful in letting you know your account may have been hacked, but we know better than that, don’t we?
so will i have to unblock all my email addresses daily as a result of paying for this service?
Hi dylanlouis
Well first off, you’ve posted in a topic that is over “2 years old”.
If you have an issue, start your own topic and explain what it is.