Bob, this is an ongoing issue with Avast, and I keep meaning to dump the program SPECIFICALLY because of this. When Avast updates, it CHANGES that setting to “on”. You can turn it off, and then when Avast updates, Boom, it starts turning on when you start the computer. This gets posted regularly, Avast obviously doesn’t give a shit, because for years now they have not fixed this issue. Which to me says “it’s intentional and we want to try to force you into the browser”. Honestly to me this is the sort of thing that will make me dump Avast entirely as it’s a breach of trust. I don’t want the browser starting with the computer. If i want to use it, I’ll open it. The problem is finding an anti-virus that I feel is as solid as Avasts is. If that happens, part of me will be sad, because I’ve been using Avast for a long, long time, and installed it on so many friends computers (some of which have converted to paying members with premium). But if it ends up coming off mine, it’ll slowly come off all of theirs as well as I do the service on their computers.
Sorry for the rant, but I’ve posted, as have others, on this specific issue so many times it just pisses me off every time the Avast browser starts up.