I have been searching the forums looking for a way to up ADNM mirror. For security reasons the network is not and cannot be connected to the internet. We also cannot connect a laptop or pc to the network. I need to be able update the ASNM mirror so that I can update 40 pc within the network. Are there certain files within the mirror directory that I can copy over using a thumb drive or cd?
I don’t think so for ADNM feature can do manually update,
Since this only available for unmanaged users, which probably they can download the VPS update from : http://www.avast.com/download-update
After that user can update their database one by one of their existing machine or do the shared folder through their LAN network.
AVAST shared their update machines through WAN connection, so i don’t think so for specific user allowed to update directly to AVAST server in Prague. But i would suggest you to protected your server with Firewall and IPS solution at your gateway, and then put your core server at DMZ site with different subnet IP address to avoid unauthorized user to access in to your server. And then you may installed ADNM on that server to access to internet, after that for 2nd ADNM or mirror can get new update from your internal server.
Other site, if your company have a strict internet usage. You may implement with Web proxy or Secure Web gateway to allowed one or more than one trusted user which allowed to uses internet connection to do VPS update. After that from ADNM can do push update automatically to managed avast on your existing network.
As Yanto said, its not possible to update ADNM with offline files. Hopefully this is supported in the small business console (the new ADNM) that will be released any time now…
you said its not an option to introduce a new computer to the protected network.
How did you install ADNM in the first place? To install ADNM successfully you need to install it using an internet connection.
During installation ADNM mirrors all the updates and installation packages from the cloud (yes avast used the cloud before it became a hyped word).
IF its really absolutely not possible to introduce a laptop to the network it will be hard to impossible to update again.
I installed Avast on the closed system without out the ability to create the mirror. I then installed a phony AMS on my laptop then I grabbed the mirror and pasted it to the real AMS using a thumb drive.
well, then that is the way to keep doing it if you are not allowed to introduce foreign systems.
I dont think its supported or guaranteed to work, but if it is working for you then thats the only way.
There is a another trick you may implement same as you had did. You can copy from 1 machines with AMS and connected to internet which always update, and you can copy from mirror folder for some VPS files to your offline AMS on your site. But this way not recommended since you need more have deeply experiences and spent your time, since AVAST had provide the simply way to do the update.
ha Yanto
if you mean the TS has to have his offline AMS system copy the files from the “online” AMS then i dont think thats an option too
because that would mean the closed enviroment has a connection to the outside and that is not allowed if i assume this right