Update antivirus home version!!!

I realy can’t uderstand what happened?
after installing your new version 4.1 home user!!
i tried to update base but i selected that i’m always connected to internet
but the message appeared “LOADIN servers.def” and the bar 0-100% stays at “0” !! after some delay it says “can’t connect to the server”"

After i found *.ini file in his directory and puted there manualy


but it still says the same!!!

Help Please!!

So you’re using a proxy server?

Then it’s best to set it up using the Settings dialog.

avast → Settings → Updating (Basic) → Details → Proxy Settings.

but at the thirst time i couldn’t open it!!
Bur now it works!!

When you are updating you cannot ‘change’ the proxy settings.
When you finish the update the settings are enabled again 8)

I am running Avast Home v. 4.1. I love it. But everytime I connect to the net I get a red error message saying that it could not update. The info tells me there was an error connecting to
I am taking the lazy way out and asking for help instead of just figuring it out.

Ok, but what is your operational system?
Do you use a firewall? Proxy filter?
Can you update manually?
We need more information to help you… :wink: