Update Error Message

Ever Since The Last Program update…ie. 4.1.289 I continue to get a red Update error message (server Down) as I am trying to connect (dialup)…it would appear that the update facility is trying to contact the update server prior to actually being connected to the Internet? and hence the message

Is anyone else experiencing this ?..Or do I need to change a particular setting or something ?

Do you have the ‘I only use a dial-up connection to connect to the Internet’ option set in avast settings? (Settings → Updating (Connections))


Hi ,
I have got same error since ver 4.1.289 that server is down. I am connected via cable and I have that in settings. Using win 98. Another thing is, when I start Avast, it don’t say ver 4.1.289 says ver 4.1.287 but when I manually try to update, says I have Ver 4.1.289 and def file(s) are up to date. Maybe just a temp thing. will see how it goes over the next few days.

btw, thanks for a very nice Virus Scanner.

Yes…it is set to "‘I only use a dial-up connection to connect to the Internet’ (W98)

This error message only occurs just as my modem has established a connection to my ISP

Otherwise avast is working very well for me ::slight_smile:

My Problem may have something to do with my Kerio settings/rules…I will experiment a little and let you know how I get on

Nope …cant seem to rectify the problem?

I still have the same problem, has tried several things to fix that, but it wasn’t possible. I’ve tested the connection with the ‘Test Connection’ - Button, but this also doesn’t work, the errormessage is ‘Cannot connect to server using this settings. please change the proxy server settings and try to test again’. Don’t know what i should do with that message because i have no proxy.
I’ve disabled my firewall but it also don’t work.
The problem with the update also appears on my pc.

I have Windows XP Prof. ( German ) with SP1 and the newest patches.

Any clue ???

Thanks very much

Hi, I’m still getting
"Information about current update:
Last encountered error: Server www.iavs.net ( is down.

Total time: 37 s"

When set to auto update but if I manually try to update it seems to go ok and reports everything is up to date. So it seems something is different with the latest program version. I didn’t have the problem before the program update. OS is Windows 98 and Connected Via Cable. if that is any help.


Recieving the same error message as well.

Also running Win 98 on a dial-up connection.

Hi boys,

can all of you do the following?

  1. On the command line, run ‘ashbug /setuplog’
  2. In the description window provide us with your handle here, link here, short description of the problem and a way how to reproduce it.



I had the same thing when the update first came out. To the best of my knowledge, it was just my firewall. Have you got a new or server online?.


Two XPPro systems here, both running the latest avast!4.

While I always get this error message on one of them, the other one remains quiet.

The system which does give the error is connected to my router using a wireless connection, while the one wich does not give the error is connected to the router by cable.

I assume the eror message is because of the fact that the wireless connection is not immediately available after system start or resume from standby/hibernate.

I have the same problem since October, 24…Maybe it’s last update wrong.

Manual update is down here too…

My system is Windows Xp (all updated), Avast!4.1 prof (all updated), Kpf beta…


Do u just need a copy of the setup log? I tried what u said but got error . The Setup log is about 268KB , I could zip it and send it if u think it will help.

Here is a small section whis some error info:

14:33:45 min/gen Started: 25.10.2003, 14:33:45
14:33:45 min/gen Running setup_av_pro-121 (289)
14:33:45 nrm/sys Operating system: Windows98 ver 4.10, build 1998 [ ]
14:33:45 vrb/sys Computer WinName:xxxxxx
14:33:45 min/sys Windows Net User: xxxxxxx
14:33:45 min/gen Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatenews /verysilent /nolog
14:33:45 vrb/gen DldSrc set to inet
14:33:45 vrb/gen Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
14:33:45 min/gen Old version: 121 (289)
14:33:45 nrm/gen SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
14:33:46 vrb/sys Computer DnsName: xxxxxxxxx
14:33:46 vrb/sys Computer Ip Addr: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
14:33:46 nrm/int SYNCER: Type: -1
14:33:46 nrm/int SYNCER: Auth: 0
14:33:46 vrb/pkg Part prg_av_pro-121 is installed
14:33:46 vrb/pkg Part vps-31001 is installed
14:33:46 vrb/pkg Part news-29 is installed
14:33:46 vrb/pkg Part setup_av_pro-121 is installed
14:33:46 min/gen Old version: 121 (289)
14:34:08 vrb/fil SetExistingFilesBitmap: 182->113->113
14:34:08 min/gen GUID: 645e050b-abaf-431d-aa9c-b70602f0be2c
14:34:08 nrm/gen Server definition(s) loaded for ‘mirror’: 0 (maint:0)
14:34:08 nrm/gen Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 4 (maint:0)
14:34:08 nrm/gen SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Secondary AVAST server’ from ‘main’
14:34:08 dbg/gen Entered SetupProcessPro::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
14:34:08 dbg/gen Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
14:34:08 dbg/gen Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
14:34:12 min/pkg ERROR:HttpGetWinsock, WinsockTcpConnect() returned 0x00002AF9
14:34:14 min/pkg ERROR:HttpGetWinsock, WinsockTcpConnect() returned 0x00002AF9
14:34:14 min/pkg Tried to download servers.def but failed with error 20000004
14:34:17 min/gen Err:Server www.iavs.net (unknown:80) is down.
14:34:20 nrm/pkg Transferred files: 0
14:34:20 nrm/pkg Transferred bytes: 0
14:34:20 nrm/pkg Transfer time: 0 ms
14:34:20 vrb/fil NeedReboot=false
14:34:20 min/gen Return code: 0x20000004 [Server www.iavs.net ( is down.]
14:34:20 min/gen Stopped: 25.10.2003, 14:34:20

Hope wan’t too long to post here.

And can you access the www.iavs.net server? (in browser)

Yes, I can. i link my log! ???

Not sure if u was asking me but…
I can access the www.iavs.net server? (in browser) . it just bugs out when when autoupdate for Avast home version.

I also can access the site, but update will not work.
Here’s the errormessage i’m receiving:

Information about current update: Last encountered error: Can't select any server for downloading (from 0).

Total time: 0 s

Hi again, a part of my logFile here ( I think thats the connection-test i execute at this time ):

26.10.2003 22:49:39 general: Connection test 26.10.2003 22:49:39 internet: SYNCER: Type: 0 26.10.2003 22:49:39 internet: SYNCER: Auth: 0 26.10.2003 22:49:39 general: progress thread start 26.10.2003 22:49:39 general: progress start - 1 26.10.2003 22:49:39 general: Server definition(s) loaded for 'main': 0 (maint:0) 26.10.2003 22:49:39 general: progress end - 0 26.10.2003 22:49:39 general: progress thread end 26.10.2003 22:49:39 general: errordlg: 375,129

No, I need exactly what I wrote :wink: That means, run the program ashbug on command line with ‘/setuplog’ parameter. It will gather all necessary info, pack it and send it to my address.

BTW: The error message mentioned in your log means that your computer can’t resolve www.iavs.net name. Can you try to ping it?