Hello I am using Avast Home edition Version 4.7.1098 My operating system is Win 98SE. When I tried to update this AM I get the following error message: Unable to verift prod-av_pro.vpu. Error 0X2000000B. The packet is broken. I read the forum abt this error and it said to try a manual update. Do u mean to just change the check box to manual or do u go to the download servers or a site that has the downloads and download them yourself?. I guess if I read the old info If this does not work you have to uninstall and reinstall Is this correct?
Can you try to repair your installation?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair).
If this does not help, can you uninstall / boot / install / boot again?
Function setifaceUpdatePackages() has failed. Return code is 0x20000011, dwRes is 20000011.
This is the error message in the warning log. I will try the repair function. I was hoping that there was another way around this besides uninstalling rebooting and reinstalling. In my experience that may resolve the problem for a while but eventually well u know. I was hoping that it was something that could be resolved without the uninstall reinstall route.
I tried to do the repair however I got the same error message IE: error processing packages. please use full update. In the log text it again says unable to verify prod-av_pro.vpu. What is the function of this file. If this file has become corrupted can I delete it and the program will regenerate it? Other wise I guess my only option is to uninstall and reinstall. If anyone has any knowledge what could cause this file to become corrupted I would be greatful.
Well I deleted the file prod-av_pro.vpu and then tried the update again and all seemed to go ok. Perhaps this file has a propensity to get corrupted in win 98se. I know in Mozilla the bookmarks and bkups get corrupted and I have to overwrite with backups. Yup I know why do I still use win98se well I like it A simple OS and one I know well. I do however Have a Win XP machine. Last question and maybe I am better sending an email to tech support but I would really like to know what the file prod-av_pro.vpu does.
Do you use a firewall? Which one?
Do you have any other antivirus installed in your system? Did you have in the past?
Any other security programs that could interfere?
The full setup (and clean install, from the scratch) is the last solution.
But before, please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log
Hi well my firewall is Kerio and I have no other antivirus programs on this machine. I have Spybot S&D. The thing is I have been using Avast for almost 2 months with no problem then all of a sudden this problem. But as I said yesterday once I deleted the file prod-av_pro.vpu all was well. The update proceeded with no error messages. The Avast program recrerated the file when I did the update later in the day.
Since all is working OK now I don’t see any reason for posting the setup.log. The problem was solved by deleting the file prod-av_pro.vpu which must have become corrupted and then letting Avast recreate it when I did the next update which was successful.
If however u still want me to post the setuplog file I will-- just let me know.
Ok let me try again: Again perhaps the file got corrupted because of scandisk or ndd. I will look into this. Sorry for the delay my first attempt to copy and paste failed.
24.02.2008 07:18:49.000 1203855529 package GetPackages - set proxy for inet
24.02.2008 07:18:49.000 1203855529 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
24.02.2008 07:18:49.000 1203855529 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 general Used server: http://download623.avast.com/iavs4x
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package ERROR: Unable to verify prod-av_pro.vpu, error 0x2000000B
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 general Err:The package is broken.
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package Transferred files: 2
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package Transferred bytes: 20
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package Transfer time: 1708 ms
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package Retries total: 0
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package Retried files: 0
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 package Tried servers: 2
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 internet Sending stats ‘http://download623.avast.com/cgi-bin/iavs4stats.cgi’: 00000000 204
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 file NeedReboot=false
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 general Return code: 0x20000011 [The package is broken.]
24.02.2008 07:18:50.000 1203855530 general Stopped: 24.02.2008, 07:18:50
Well I answered this before but here goes again. I have no other antivirus programs. There were no other antivirus programs on this machine. Only other program is Spybod S&D. Again Avast was working Ok until this problem. Way back in time when I was using Norto AV and I was using scandisk I remember that a Nortin AV file came up as incorrect date and time stamp. I said OK fix it. then All heck broke loose. I called Norton and was told that scandisk and Ndd can see that incorrectly and to say No. U know I may have run scandisk or Ndd and I said it and said yes. Or perhaps there was a line surge when I downloaded the update files. Bottom line U can delete the file and the program will download another with no problem and u do not have to uninstall and reinstall.
The support team may be interested to know that I’ve been using Avast 4.7 Pro for months without any problem. The other day I started to get ‘Error 41’ messages - ‘The package is broken’. After deleting ‘prod-av_pro.vpu’, updating worked fine. Details of the update that came through (after deleting ‘prod-av_pro.vpu’) follow:
There is a new program update available, 4.8.1169, so it might be worth your while to do a manual program update, right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Updating, Program Update. Rather than try to chase a possible error on the old version.
If manual update does not work, I suggest an installation from the scratch:
Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
Use Avast Uninstall for complete uninstallation. Maybe it will be necessary to disable the self-defence module of avast (Troubleshooting tab of settings) if it will be possible to enter the program settings or, at least, boot into safe-mode and start aswClear.exe from there.