Update feb 02, problem with aswCmnB.dll

Automatic update today made Avast not startable (cant tell what version it was updated to)

After restart of computer i get the following errormessage:

ashAvast.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point fsGetAvastTempFileName could not be located in the dynamic link library aswCmnB.dll.

Browsed the FAQ:s and searched the forum without hits.

The computer runs Win2k SP4 (5.00.2195 Swedish) Avast 4 Home is the Avast version i believe.

Bug in the updateprocess? or problems in my end?

Avast have worked flawless for more than a year :slight_smile: up till today :frowning:
Help appreciated, best regards…

Search your disk for aswCmnB.dll file - how many (and where) are they found?


It’s located in “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4”

And I’m not using a Swedish Windows 2000 as stated,
it is the standard English (American) version.

Are you sure the same file is not e.g. in your Windows\System folder as well?
Try Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs / avast! Antivirus / Change / Repair.

Yes, most certainly there is only one file with this name on the system.
However, your suggested repair procedure did fix the problem :smiley:

Is this dll supposed to be in Windows/system? there is still only one instance of this file after the repair, (HDD searched and all usual dll-locations checked manually) and that is in the avast program directory

Well anyway thanks for the repair tip, I didn’t even know there was such a feature.


Welcome to the forums, Niplas! :slight_smile:

We are glad your problem was solved.

Be sure to come back often, learn more, and maybe help others. :slight_smile:

That’s correct, there should be only one instance of the file, placed in avast! installation folder (if there are more of them, it may cause problems).