Is it possible to alter the time after connection to net (im on dial up) that avast auto update kicks in? i.e could i delay it to say update 3 minutes after connection?.Or is there a command line that i can use to auto update?(so that i can use a third party uopdate launcher).The reason i ask is that i use net launch to launch certain programme auto updates in a set order and at a set time.Being on 56k dial up i dont want every app trying to update at the same time.
I believe you can’t alter the auto update functions. It is either on or off in the settings.
I believe avast auto update starts 20 seconds after complete windows start up and every four hours after that.
I think Culpeper is right: on or off. But you can set your third party updater for lauching the avast! iAVS4 Control Service:
You must disable the automatic starting of this Service (Administrative Tools > Service > avast! iAVS4 Control Service > ‘manual’). This way you will be able to set the delay after the connection is established for the updating.
If I’m wrong, it will be a value for configurating this here. 8)
Mm…Ive set to manually update but clicking aswUpdSv.exe in the avast folder just gives me an illegal operation error (ASWUPDSV caused an invalid page fault in module ASWCMNB.DLL at 0167:64085F20 etc,etc).So it doesnt seem to work ,Is there some extra command to initiate the update?.I know AVG uses avginet.exe with the extra " /sched " command to initiate an update.Is there similar for avast?