Hello, I installed Avast free edition 4.5 on my computer. One of the last updates upgraded it to 4.6 but when I start windows XP the message center tells me to update “Avast 4.5” because it’s an old version. How can i make him recognize my updated version of Avast ? Is there any other way than reinstall ?
What exact version of Avast do you have now?
It looks like this: 4.6.xxx
Same observation ACER Notebook, running WIN XP home, SP2, hotfixed:
Avast in spit eof update to 4.6.603 still shows as 4.5.603 in WIN security center, so what…
An old bug :(: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=11300.0
But it is fixed in version 4.6.612
After an automatic update the problem seems to be fixed. Thanks for helping me.
Question : is version 4.6.612 avalaible or to come ? When I update AVAST it says me i’ve got the last version 4.6.603…
It’s available as beta version.
In fact, we’re now at 4.6.614
You could update safely. Very stable version.
Thanks for that all ! I just upgraded my avast to 4.6-623 and there is no more problems… for me ;D Iwish all of you a nice day.