Update of 25 June 2019 has caused Chrome password extension to fail

Since my computer updated itself with ver. 19.6.2383 build 19.6.4546.494, I have not been able to use the AVAST PASSWORDS extension with Chrome (thereby making itself useless). I have removed and re-added the extension and rebooted my computer multiple times. Also, AVAST dashboard does not want to keep me logged in, and makes me submit my master password each time I access it. When I open the browser, I am directed to ensure that I have the latest version of AVAST, which it says I do. Please advise.

So this must be a major FUBAR on Avast’s end if they are not offering ANY workable solutions. “Make sure you download the extension”. Such a cute statement! We know it is not a “Chromium” problem that you do not “provide support for” as it is occurring across ALL platforms with YOUR latest update. Is it time for the BEST antivirus on the market to be dismissed because of lack of support…?

Please offer an update or workable solution!

This should help you fix the problem.